About Us

Started by a vivid travel enthusiast Hitesh Bhatia in 2009, Travelbhai.com has grown to become one of the biggest Collection of luxury Holidays & Activities. With the help of Rich experience in Travel Trade(17 Years) combined with brilliant on ground practical knowledge Hitesh have managed to get Travelbhai.com a Certified customer satisfaction ratings of 89% with escalation rates as low as 1%. Considering some of the other big brands with more than 25-30% escalation and complain rates.

Travelbhai caters to worldwide audience: Specifically 11 Million Foreigners coming to India every year & Global customers going to Asia ,Europe, USA &Canada. Our strength lies in deep relationships with more than 1000 vendors, more than 90% hotels across the globe & Core engineering.

Among peers, Our web experience & site rating is higher than 89% in conjunction of other Indian Internet Giants & Unicorns

Without raising any money from Investors, Travelbhai.com has grown organically to a scale unprecedented in Internet space. We believe that a good word of mouth makes a better impact than good advertisements. Antilog is proud to have some of the best Techies & Travel enthusiasts who work here for pure passion than money.



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